Polish Club: ‘That’s how these things last beyond the people that make it, the people who experience it – that’s the thing that appeals to me about creating music, it’ll outlive all of us’
Sydney-based rock duo Polish Club will release their touching and emotionally charged fourth album Heavy Weight Heart tomorrow (13 September). The duo comprises David Novak (lead vocals and guitar) and John-Henry Pajak (drums, percussion and backing vocals). Novak and Pajak met towards the end ...
Doomsday Outlaw: ‘It’s different to everything else on the album, the strings really brought it along, it’s one of the things I’m most proud of’
Sheffield-based blues rock band Doomsday Outlaw are re-releasing their back-to-bricks remixed and remastered versions of their albums Hard Times (9 August) and Suffer More (27 September), giving us two double albums stacked full of their trademark Sabbath-meets-Clutch riffs hitched to soulful ...
Alright: ‘I like that it’s not something that you really see, two men pouring their hearts out’
Lancashire-based band Alright have released their summer anthem track 'Run Away', which will get the crowds bouncing. The band comprises Joe Darnell (vocals), Ben Warwick (guitar), Matt Bunnage (rhythm guitar), Liam Smith (drums) and Brad Mills (bass): 'It was just after lockdown that it all all ...
Loz Campbell: ‘I’d love to one day end up being the female Slash!’
Wakefield-based rock band Loz Campbell have released their gloriously riffed up single 'Can't Get Enough'. The band comprises Loz Campbell (vocals and guitar), Steve Pickles (bass) and Tom Kirby (drums): 'I actually met Tom when he was about 13 and I was 15, I was on the judging panel for Battle ...
Reckless Coast: ‘We wanted something that gives off some vintage rock ‘n’ roll vibes – it’s a little bit cheeky!’
Brisbane’s self-proclaimed ‘coastal misfits’ Reckless Coast have released their brilliantly energetic and surfy, pub mosh debut EP, 'Naked & Famous'. The band comprises Jaeden Ogston (vocals and guitar), India Raine (bass) and Jono Frowd (drums). Their name references their ...
Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique: ‘It is one of the most visceral, raw, heavy, crazy, all over the place songs in The Five Point catalogue’
Denton, Texas-based punk rock band Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique has released one of the most sonically unique albums of the year, Winter Break. The band comprises Luke Flaspohler (vocals), Luca Buongiorno Nardelli (violin), Ziggy Jackson (bass), Jayden Nylec (guitar) and Huck Lanier ...
Paper Rifles: ‘I’m never going to be a virtuoso shredder… I’m more interested in how things might work and allowing melodies to be where they need to be’
Edinburgh-based rock band Paper Rifles has released a split EP with Wrong Life featuring two of their tracks, 'Dear Hope' and 'The Lighthouse', both of which boast singalong choruses that are bound to be crowd pleasers. The band comprises Jon Dick (vocals and guitar), Kev ...